Thanks alot guys, Runite and Kevin both, thanks alot for understanding. I do make good money with my job, over $100 a week, it will help me buy a vps for the server, so it will be up, 24/7!!! NEVER OFFLINE, and NO LAG!! I might even be able to buy a new forum, and just get rid of this one, and make a bridge to transfer all the members and posts, to a Vbulletin forum. The top forum company, it would be $180 for the forum, but SO worth it. Check out, they use vb, its a very nice forum. Hopefully Ill just program a bunch of new stuff into this one when I buy a domain, so this forum will soon become and not .tk. This will help ALOT, and I am working on fixing the computer, or just redoing it on a new computer, just completely recode the server really quick, I remember everything I did, and I could like add it all back, in about a week.
So thanks for understanding guys, Im trying my hardest to fix it.